Solar – Data Guide

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Utility data for solar sales provides 12 months historical data for an end-user’s electric account. When put to use, this data set can power accurate system sizing and savings calculation.

Data Structure

The data model has 3 levels:

  • Requests: an end-user connecting their utility account(s).
  • Accounts: electric accounts within the end-user’s utility credential. A single request can have many accounts.
  • Statement: the end-user’s historical usage and spend.
ConsumptionThe kilowatt hour usage for the billing period.1,082
DemandThe maximum kilowatt demand for the billing period.13
Total BillThe total account balance at the end of the billing period.215
Electric CostThe total cost for a given bill associated with electric service.180
Statement Interval StartThe start date of the billing period2018-10-01
Statement Interval EndThe end date of the billing period2018-11-05
Billing AddressUnique fields for the Name, Street, City, State, Zip, Country and full address of the account. This is the location where invoices are mailed. Often the same as Service Address.Jane Smith
123 Main St.
Houston, TX 77001
TariffThe electric rate applied to this account.Residential – TOU
CurrencyThe currency listed by the utility provider.USD, GBP, EUR
Usage Interval StartThe start date of usage readings on the bill.2018-10-03
Usage Interval EndThe end date for usage readings on the bill.2018-11-05
Statement SourceThe original PDF data source.
Statement MessagesAn optional description of this statement’s data. (See list of messages below)Multiple Service Types

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